Cape Cod Purls Gallery

Friday, July 23, 2010

When am I really free?

It's been such a hot and humid week, with little work at the Y, I thought I'd re-organize my studio.  A dredded task that I've been putting off for about a year.  Hannah and I hiked to Target, found an open shelving system [cheap] and spent 2 hours trying to put it together while it was thunder and lightning outside to beat the band!!  So the studio looks so much neater, but now all the skeins, balls, cakes, hanks, and wads of yarn can see me not paying any attention to them.  Many lovely treats came home with me from Chain Link 2010.  It's their 'silent' screaming at me that I find so annoying.  "Yes, I'll get to you soon, be patient my little ones".  So that leads me to clearing up the small projects or projects of little to no interest to finish up before I can start something fun and exciting.  I was always taught that a "real" crafter has at least 10 projects going at the same time.  ???  Does that include all crafts that I do combined?  If so, I'm OUT OF CONTROL!  Let's start with scrapbooking.  Then move onto painting.  Add in sewing, weaving and wreaths.  Told you!  So, when will I actually be "free" to start a new project?

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